
. . . . . . .

    1. Load the script and GIF files into the directory where your
       webpage will be located.

    2. Add this line to the  section in your webpage.

    3. Add these three lines near the end of the  section in your
       webpage (just before the  tag)


. . . . . . .
More In Depth:

   Upload the script to a directory on your server, then upload
   the GIF files used (C000.GIF through C221.GIF) into a directory
   all together.  There are then two steps you must follow to call
   this from your web page. they are:


   1. Link this script into the  section of your page(s)
      using a 

   Obviously the path will be to wherever you keep the script at your site.

   2. Call CatMs() in the BODY section of the document
      with your desired parameters (if any).
   This can be very easy if you put the GIFs in the same directory
   as your document (though, i don't suggest this).  If you put
   the GIFs somewhere centralized it will still be very easy. You
   will only have to include a path to where the GIFs are.
   I recommend you place a call to this function at the
   very END of the BODY section (just before the  
   tag). This is required if you have any other JavaScripts in
   your document that write into the document (Netscape can't handle
   simultaneous writes to the document).
   First a typical example (I added the "" tag just to
   show where this call should go)


  This fills the first parameter which is a path to the GIF files.
  The commenting to hide the JavaScript from HTML ("") is
  required in all cases.
  You don't even need to fill this one if the GIFs are in the same
  directory as your webpage. i.e.:




. . . . . . .

1. If you see a small square with an 'x' in it, moving around on your
   screen, it's likely your browswer is having trouble finding the
   GIF files. 
    2.1 Did you upload them in Binary mode?
    2.2 Did you include a trailing slash when handing the directory
        name to the CatMs() function?
    2.3 Did you make a typo when handing the directory name to
        the CatMs() function?
    2.4 Sometimes your ftp client may try to alter the case of
        the filenames.  did this happen to the GIF file names?

2. Don't hesitate to ask questions in the forums or by email at
