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Link to Our Glossary From Your Site

There are two basic ways to link our glossary content into your web page.

You can embed links to our glossary of terms directly in the text of your pages, or you can provide an entry field for your visitors to specify terms for lookup. You can mix and match both of these linking techniques as often as you'd like on your site's pages.

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Linking from Hypertext

You can include hypertext links to our glossary in the text of your Web pages, as in this example:

Here's an example of a link to our glossary entry for the term VoiceXML

And the HTML code for that.
The only part of this code that matters of course is the link itself:


Which gives the link to our glossary as the HREF parameter:


You may also provide a TARGET parameter. By setting this to _blank you are telling the link to open up in a new window. One that will pop up in front of your website page.

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Linking With An Entry Field

You can also present an entry field to your site visitors that allows them to type in a word or phrase to look up, as in the example:
Glossary term:

This form lets your visitor enter his or her own word to look up. The go button is redundant but helps guide the visitor in the use of the entry field. For simplicity, we've left out specifying alternate directories to search (see next section), so an apology page is displayed if the user enters a term that's not in our glossary.

Here's the HTML of the entry form above:
In the listing above, everything but: <INPUT TYPE="Submit" Value="go"> should be included (include that as well if you want the button). The label "Glossary Term:" can say whatever you want of course.

The next section describes how you can specify up to five alternate glossaries from around the Web to be searched when your visitor enters a term that's not in our glossary.

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Specifying Alternate Glossaries to Search

The problem with the form in the above section is that it will simply return an apology page if the term your visitor entered was not found in our glossary (try entering "coffee" for example).

When you include an entry-field to our glossary on your site, you may also list up to five "alternate" glossaries to be checked for terms that aren't found in the primary glossary. The alternates (labeled "Alt01" through "Alte05") are checked in order so you can list smaller, more concise glossaries first and a general glossary last.

Here is our recommended form and code:

Glossary term:

The above form includes alternate glossaries. Note that alternates are specified with an input field something like this: <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="Alt01" VALUE=""AGlossary.cgi...">

The name of the input field in the above form is "fsGetTerm" which will invoke the frame set glossary display. This display includes a browsable list of the words in our glossary as well as a window with the term definition. If you'd prefer to show your users a window with only the term and definition, use "GetTerm" instead.

The alternate glossaries you specify should normally use Creativyst™ Glossary software You may also specify one final glossary to search in even if it is not a Creativyst™ Glossary. The single non-Creativyst glossary must be listed last because only Creativyst™ Glossary will chain through to alternates.

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Glossary entries in CUF™ compliant utilities

If you would like to have your CUF™ compliant application use this glossary set the Glossary (or one of the alternate) parameters to:

(you may cut and past the above string directly if you wish).

Once you've set it, your CUF™ compliant web application will look in our glossary whenever a user includes [glossary=some term] in their message and the resultant link is clicked on. If you name this as an alternate of course, our glossary will only be checked when the term is not found in the glossaries named before it.

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Specifying Alternates In Direct Links

Note: The following information is for advanced web designers and assumes you have considerable knowledge of CGI query strings and URI syntax.

Normally, you would not name alternates in a direct hyperlinked term because you will already know that the single term is in the glossary. If you simply want a link to the entire glossary on your site with the frameset display (e.g. Glossary of call center industry terms) you may want to include your own list of alternate directories. This is done by specifying Alt01=Alternate_Glossary_Query_String within the query string of the link to the glossary.

Because you are already in a query string, you will have to manually escape the characters that would otherwise be interpreted as query string separators. To do this replace the question mark ('?'), equals sign ('='), and ampersand ('&') with the three character equivalents documented below.

You should only change these characters within the alternate glossary query strings and not within the query string as a whole. For example, once you've placed a query string after Alt01= with it's own '=' and '&' replaced, you should follow it with '&Alt02='. In other words, since '&Alt02=' is part of the immediate query string it should not be escaped. Here are the replacement characters to use, but as noted only within the alternate glossary query strings:

Change This To This
? %3F
= %3D
& %26

The following form performs the above replacements for you. To use it, enter one alternate query string into the input field (replace the example string that's there), hit the button labeled Convert, then cut & paste the output field into your query string. The form currently converts only one alternate query string at a time.



Replace the example value shown in the Input field with a query string to be converted. Hit the Convert button, then cut the result from the Output field (for pasting after alt0x=).

Note: Once you've constructed an entire query string with all the alternates it may be better to copy it to your clip-board for pasting and editing where needed.

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  Creativyst™ Glossary WebMaster's Content Guide   () © Copyright 2001, Creativyst, Inc.  

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