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<-story list is Proud to Announce Acceptance of Their Site's News & Announcements Feed for Listing By the News Aggregator Site ''
  Creativyst is using their own news maintenance software, written in Perl, to provide RSS compatible XML feeds to the aggregator

WEBPAGE ANOUNCEMENT -- Riverside, NJ - 03 Sep 2002 -- Creativyst, Inc. announced today that it's company's news and announcements have been accepted on the news aggregator site This distributes Creativyst's technology based news and announcements to the Web in a standard XML dialect. It allows subscribers to use keyword searches to locate news items from Creativyst along with many other news sources around the web. The listing also makes Creativyst's announcements available to other aggregators where they may be automatically content filtered and aggregated with other news sources around the world.

Creativyst's news scroll is listed in the Technology category at It may be searched, browsed, and sorted by subscribers. As their name suggests, a basic subscription to the service is made available to users free of charge. Go to for more information.

The announcements at Creativyst are maintained using an application that Creativyst developed and provides for sale. The application archives and indexes up to 9,990 stories per month. It also provides XML and JavaScript feeds automatically, so listings may be published to other websites and services such as The application, called News Entry Widget, is available for instant download from for under $10 (US at time of writing).

About Creativyst, Inc.
Creativyst, Inc. (Pronounced ``kree-ATE-a-vist'') provides software tools, design services, knowledge, and IT consulting to help individuals and small businesses plan and implement technology based systems confidently. Visit their website at for more information.

    Telephone: 856 764-5099


  Creativyst™ NewsEntry Press Release App   00011 © Copyright 2002 Creativyst, Inc.      

Creativyst is using their own news maintenance software, written in Perl, to provide RSS compatible XML feeds to the aggregator